about nolwa

We’re creating extraordinary and
unique objects with the play of
contemporary design and traditional crafts.

about nolwa intro placeholder


with traditional expertise


to contemporary perfection

We are continuously amazed and inspired by the immense potential of Indian crafts.

At Nolwa, we believe that traditional crafts are an invaluable repository of knowledge, skills and legacy processes that have the potential to inspire and enrich the contemporary design landscape.

We are eager to push all boundaries of reinvention and innovation.

We believe that the space between traditional crafts and contemporary design is a crucible for sparking transformational ideas that lead to unexpected expressions. By creating dynamic interactions between craft and design we propel both towards reinvention and innovation.

Our Process

Our process begins by selecting a skill-based Indian craft and hand-picking design studios from across the globe. We work closely with the designers and craftspeople to explore possibilities and develop designs. In the final phase, we facilitate the production of the product by providing the necessary resources and custom tools.


Select a Craft

We select a skill-intensive Indian craft, after extensive research and study.


Identifying Designers

We hand-pick design studios from across the world, based on their distinct perspectives and breakaway approaches.


Craft Introduction

We introduce the craft form to the designers and provide exhaustive information on its possibilities and limitations.



Building on the information provided by Nolwa, the designers play with the craft form and using their unique lens, explore creative concepts.


Design Development

Staying true to Nolwa’s design philosophy, we begin to co-develop these designs with the designers, in constant conversation with the craftspeople. Marrying engineering to the designs, we assess possibilities and innovate new routes.



Nolwa uses its expertise to collaborate with artisans and industrial experts from different fields, bringing all the necessary skills and resources together for building the final product.

Rohit Naag

Founder & CEO

Rohit spent an extensive period of time studying and working across various sectors in the US, Europe and Asia. In the course of his professional journey, he began to realise the distinct divide between “work” and “play.” It gradually became clear to him that the ideal space for him to work in would be one where these two aspects of his life could be unified. Hence, he transitioned to design, a field very close to his heart.

Rohit was on the lookout for opportunities in the design space – something that offered a strong USP. But it was not until his return to India after his stints overseas, that he discovered the intrigue of Indian crafts. At the same time, Rohit realised that the artisanal products available in the market failed to showcase the rich stories, skills and processes that lie at the heart of heritage crafts. He also observed that most craft forms were not in sync with contemporary sensibilities.

It was to bridge these gaps that Rohit founded Nolwa. Rohit’s vision for Nolwa is to make heritage crafts relevant in contemporary contexts, through unique design interventions.

Rohit also holds an MBA from Insead and a Masters Degree from Duke University.